Links about Theresienstadt

To learn more about Theresienstadt, visit the websites of museums, institutions, organisations, archives etc.


  • Terezin Memorial (Pamatnik Terezin)
    Museum and memorial in the former concentration camp in Terezín, the Czech Republic.
    Website in English on the history of Theresienstadt and the conditions for the prisoners.
    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America’s national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as the country’s memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust. At the website, you can find articles about Theresienstadt and see photos etc. 
  • Yad Vashem
    The International School for Holocaust Studies in Jerusalem is Israel's center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust. At the website you can find articles, ressources, photos and witness accounts related to Theresienstadt.
  • "Between The Worlds"
    Educational resource focusing on the world of the Jewish children of Theresienstadt. 

 Jewish life in Denmark

  • The Danish Jewish Museum
    Through its exhibition and collection, the museum provides a detailed insight into 400 years of Jewish life in Denmark. The museum also deals with the particular Danish Jewish history in relation to the Holocaust.
  • The Jewish Community in Denmark
    The Jewish Community in Denmark is an officially recognized religious community with approximately 2,400 members.
  • Shir Hatzafon
    Shir Hatzafon is the Progressive Jewish Synagogue and Community in Denmark, based in Copenhagen. Shir Hatzafon combines Jewish tradition and religious learning with modern life, and emphasizes transparency, gender equality and innovative interpretation of the several-thousand-year-old Jewish history.


  • Holocaust memorials, monuments, museums, research and educational institutions
    The German Topography of Terror Foundation has created an overview of institutions throughout the world that deal with the history of the Holocaust. The website provides information about the most important memorials and monuments dedicated to the victims of National Socialism. Data on museums, research and educational institutions that conduct work in this field is also included. 
  • Centropa - Jewish Witnesses to a European Century
    The Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation is an interactive database of Jewish memory that combines oral history and old family pictures. Centropa had interviewed almost 1300 Jews living in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Sephardic communities of Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. With a database of 25,000 digitized images Centropa aims at bringing Jewish history to life. 
  • Steen Metz - Danish Holocaust survivor speaking in the US 
    Steen Metz is a danish Holocaust survivor living in the US. Steen and his family were arrested and deported to the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp during the Nazi occupation of Denmark in 1943. Steen’s website offers an introduction to the life of a survivor from Theresienstadt and the possibility of getting Steen to speak at schools or in civic groups about his experience of the Holocaust. 
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